La Trobe University
Master of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

The Master of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics provides students the opportunity to focus on subjects related to current and emerging technologies in human health, diagnostics, sustainability, food security, renewable energy and more. The Biotechnology major combined with Bioinformatics make use of the huge, rational data sets provided by omic sciences to offer significant opportunity for research, data-mining and innovation in health and Artificial Intelligence. Students will study in areas such as biotechnology and bioinformatics and develop skills that are highly regarded in the bioscience and big-data industries.
There are two pathways made available to this course. Students will undertake 8 core modules during their Year 1 of study before choosing between the Advanced Bioinformatics pathway or Research Project pathway during Year 2.
The Master of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics提供了学生专注于与人类健康、诊断、可持续发展、食品安全、可再生能源等当前和新兴技术相关的课程的机会。生物技术专业与生物信息学相结合利用了由组学科学提供的大规模和理性的数据集,为健康和人工智能的研究、数据挖掘和创新提供了重要机会。学生将学习生物技术和生物信息学等领域,并培养在生物科学和大数据行业中备受推崇的技能。
Course Highlights
Potential Career Opportunities
Graduates may choose to pursue a future (but not limited to) in these departments/industries:
Data Scientist 数据科学家
Biotechnologist 生物技术专家
Biopharmaceutical Scientist生物制药科学家
Advanced Bioinformatics Pathway
Academic Year 1 Modules
- Bioinformatics
- Bio-Business Management
- Practical Biotechnology
- Protein Chemistry
- Proteomics and Genomics
- Scientific Communication Skills
- Skills in Science
- Techniques in Biotechnology
Academic Year 2 Modules
- Applied Research Project
- Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics
- Data Mining
- Database Fundamentals
- Introduction to Programming
- Models for Bioinformatics
- Probability and Statistics for Data Science
- Project Management
Research Project Pathway
Academic Year 1 Modules
- Bioinformatics
- Bio-Business Management
- Practical Biotechnology
- Protein Chemistry
- Proteomics and Genomics
- Scientific Communication Skills
- Skills in Science
- Techniques in Biotechnology
Academic Year 2 Modules
- Research Project A
- Research Project B
Mode of Assessment
Assessment of this programme may include assignments, tests, projects, reports, lab work and final examinations.
Graduation Requirements
Upon successful completion of all required modules, students will be awarded the Master of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics from La Trobe University. The degree awarded will be the same as that to the on-campus graduates.
Maximum Candidature84 months upon start of the programme

- 作者:NEO学长在新加坡
- 链接:https://www.neoline.top//article/example-9
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